Without competitors there would not be narcissus figures and without figures there would not be a Narzissenfest. The competitors are therefore the most important part of our festival.
First come the ideas, then the plans and finally the building of the form using wood, wire and other materials. Shortly before the parade, the figures must be completed using hundreds and thousands of narcissi.

Everybody helps and over a hundred school children pick narcissi to build between 30 and 40 figures. The final placing (“threading/weaving of the flowers into the mesh”) of the narcissi begins on Saturday afternoon and continues into the evening and through the night. It takes around 20 people to complete one figure, thus friends, family and colleagues are all on hand to help in the final stage.
In order to achieve the desired effect, it takes 3-4 narcissi per square centimeter. Local children and guests to the area all contribute and there are around 3000 volunteers helping to make the festival a success each year. The imaginative, white, fragrant sculptures slowly come to life and after many hours of hard work, are completed in time for the parade.